Whenever you need to manage your account, it's as simple as going to your Profile on the app! Just tap the gear icon () in the upper-right-hand corner of the screen to get started:
Once you're in Settings, you'll be able to find everything you need to manage your account and subscription.
- Manage Subscription: This will show your current membership level and allow you to cancel your auto-renewal, or reactivate it if it's already canceled.
- Account Settings: Here, you can change your password and email if needed, as well as update your username and profile badge. You can also choose to delete your account - refer to our article How can I manage my privacy preferences? PLEASE NOTE: a data deletion is not the same as canceling your subscription.
- Legal: This provides important information, such as our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
- Help: Tapping this will bring you to the Help Center, where you can find support articles and get in contact with our Support team.